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Monday, October 4, 2010

The Cannibal that Walked Free

Watch The Cannibal that Walked Free

This documentary definitely fits within the category "whack people."

Meet Issei Sagawa, a Japanese dude who decided to kill a girl, rape her, then eat part of her body. He's felt cannibalistic tendencies since he was young, but had always suppressed them. One day, while attending University in France, he cracked.

What's even more amazing is that the French government allowed him to return to Japan where (as the French though) he would serve proper time and receive proper treatment. Anyone who knows anything about the criminal justice system knows that the only place you can pay for a crime is the place where you were charged with it.

So the guy went back to Japan, and was set free. Still alive today, he does whack pornos among other weird shit. This "sexual psychopath" has also become a sort of anti-hero in Japan. Awesome? You be the judge.


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