Frontline does it again. In The Confessions, Frontline investigates the conviction of four men -- current and former sailors in the U.S. Navy -- for the rape and murder of a Norfolk, Va., woman in 1997. In the first television interviews with the "Norfolk Four" since their release, Bikel learns of some of the high-pressure police interrogation techniques -- the threat of the death penalty, sleep deprivation, intimidation -- that led each of the men to confess, despite the lack of any evidence linking them to the crime.
The series of events in this is so crazy that it's almost unbelievable. Furthermore, it highlights the fact that the government can get just about anyone to confess to killing someone, details and everything. I truly feel sorry for these fuckers, some of them are in jail for like 13 years before they get let out. Once they're out, they're convicted sex offenders, so they can't get a job or live anywhere by their parents houses.
You gotta watch this one, the timeline of events is incredible.
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