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Friday, May 6, 2011

Fighting for Bin Laden

Watch the full episode. See more FRONTLINE.

This one is truly bad-ass. Since it's so new, it's kind of in fragments, all of which are interesting.

It starts of by highlighting the fact that Pakistan may in fact be harboring Al Qaeda, despite claiming that they're working with the US gov to stop terrorism. This part also shows how the US government is hiring a private Afghan army to help them do some fighting.

The next part looks at the drone war; the use of drone planes to spy on and destroy enemies from the skies. These planes, in case you're not aware, are unmanned aircraft that have the ability to destroy small targets from many miles away. Since the Obama admin., the use of these types of planes has skyrocketed.

The third part is an interview with author Steve Cole. This guy knows tons about everything to do win Osama Bin Laden. He brings up an interesting point: Osama's organization attacked the twin towers in hopes that the U.S. would pull out of Afghanistan and the Middle East. Clearly that plan failed. Maybe the US shouldn't have been there in the first place? I don't know.

The last part is the longest and most awesome. Report Najibullah Quraishi actually chills with a loyal band of fighters who are loyal to Bin Laden. He has to go on a 3 day hike, and think's he's about to die a few times. The leader is super sketchy, and the guy never really knows when he's allowed to be filming. This small group of fighters are pretty loyal to the entire Allah cause. They're even training children to fight.


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