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Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Space Shuttle: A Horizon Guide

Watch The Space Shuttle: A Horizon Guide

This one is about the space shuttle (there are a few of them). Highlights the history, different missions etc... There were two major disasters in the shuttles as well, which are dissected.

Oh and there's a sick part about the launch of the Hubble telescope, which almost ends in failure. Here is the writeup from the original website:

In 2011, after more than 30 years of service, America’s space shuttle Discovery will take to the skies for the last time. Its story has been characterized by incredible triumphs, but blighted by devastating tragedies – and the BBC and Horizon have chronicled every step of its career.

This unique and poignant Horizon Guide brings together coverage from three decades of programmes to present a biography of the shuttle and to ask what its legacy will be. Will it be remembered as an impressive chapter in human space exploration, or as a fatally flawed white elephant?


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